Some things in life are addictive: smoking, drinking, heroin, . . . and hockey.*
But not all users are addicts. I've known people that were social smokers. I've been one myself once or twice. But if your clothes smell, your teeth turned yellow, you cough and wheeze a lot, and your doc is showing you black spots on your lungues? Probably addicted to smoking.
I enjoy a nice wine, a cold beer, and a nice single malt. But if you can't remember yesterday afternoon. Or the afternoon before that one. Heck, you can't remember most afternoons, and definitely no weekends? And the courts took away your driver's license? Betty Ford is calling your name.
Woke up this morning in the gutter with a needle in your arm? Let's face it, there can't be many "social" herion users.
So how do you tell if you're a hockey addict? Reschedule an emergency court date for a client for a day earlier so you won't miss your hockey game? Leave a baby monitor with your next-door neighbor to "watch" your infant child until 1 a.m. on a Thursday night while you go play? Send your wife to pick-up the brand new sports sedan from the dealer without you because you have to make a game? First stop back from a long business trip is the parking lot to have a beer with the guys after the game you just missed?
You might be an addict.
I can remember when I was a kid and all I wanted for my birthday was to go play in a pick-up game. Seriously. Didn't want a birthday party; I guess I wanted a cake; but all I really cared about was that mom and dad got me to the $10 pick-up game on time.
Others? Let's hear 'em . . .
*From what I hear surfing is, too.