First, as discussed after last week's game, when the refs assess a checking from behind minor penalty, a misconduct penalty is required. Last night, they called checking from behind against the other team, but no misconduct. The ref who made the call told me it's not the rule ( but see Rule 607(a): "A minor plus a misconduct penalty, or a major plus a game misconduct penalty, shall be imposed on any player who body checks or pushes an opponent from behind.") The second ref instead of disagreeing with me says, "that rule doesn't apply here." "USA Hockey rules don't apply here?" "Not all of them." Um. Ok.
Second, with 3:30 remaining, they called the game because tempers were flaring a bit in a game that was out of reach. This, too, is not allowed under USA Hockey:
Under what circumstances may a Referee terminate a game prematurely?
The only permitted premature termination of a game, other than for lack of available players, is if conditions beyond the control of all game participants (teams and Officials) become unsatisfactory. Rule Reference 637(f).
These examples would NOT qualify for premature termination of the game:
• obvious lack of bench control on one or both teams;
• midway through the game 50 penalties have been called.
I can't say whether they made the right decision. It didn't follow the rules, and as it turned out, it didn't prevent a fight, either. But I certainly understood their thinking.
I'm not a certified USA ref, but I am certified by the Minnesota State High School League. Our rules are pretty similiar and I like to think we're a higher level of competition than USA.
I can't remember where in the rule book it is but the ref has "broad and lasting authority" over the game. Basically, we can make stuff up.
I have zero interest in reffing beer league hockey. And this is a good example why.
Although these actions aren't void of the HS game either. I was physically threatened by a dad after a girls game this year. "I ought to come down there and kick your f-cking ass!" (He was standing on a walkway above the refs locker room). I told him to come on down, but he walked away. Chances are good he'd make good on that threat so I'm glad he walked away.
The refs did the right thing yesterday. Granted you paid good money to play a full game but safety first.
For everyone int he "Adult" league in Oakland:
Do you want to be a "Ref"? If "no" then "shut-up".
Don't try to quote the rule book from the bench, don't whine if you get caught. Don't whine if the other guy didn't get caught. Just play, and if the other guy gets away with somthing, laugh it off. You'll be laughing if you get away with something...
I appreciate your point (as I do ed's), it's something I'm personally trying to work on (as I've posted here). But there isn't anything wrong with knowing the rules and asking for an explanation. That's different than whining, though I admit to crossing that line more often than I should. Again, something I'm working on.
As I said in this post, I'm not sure the refs here did the wrong thing in ending the game(though I am sure it is directly contrary to the USA Hockey rules).
Furthermore, I think most of the refs in Oakland do a pretty good job, but just as with players, there is a range.
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