Corporatization, Part IV (aka local government gridlock)

The Sharks want to manage OIC. RMSC wants to manage OIC. Oakland doesn't want Iceoplex managing OIC, and from the way Iceoplex is acting, they don't want to manage OIC. But the City can't agree about what to do. Hockey players are concerned about a fee increase with the Sharks, even though it's a phantom increase for many teams, and according to Iceoplex's current (unenforced) rules. See here. RMSC thinks its unspecified fee increases aren't as bad as the Sharks specified non-increase in fees. Iceoplex no longer does any rink maintenance and stopped collecting fees about 4 months ago.

So the City staff recommended extending Iceoplex's contract for six months to work all this out. Brilliant.

Next hearing is April 3 at 7pm: details

1 comment:

peakie said...

I got asked to play in Fremont...even though I live in Alameda, I'm definitely considering it.
Oh, and getting ahold of anyone in the adult hockey program over now is very difficult. They overcharged for this season's fees, but no one will call or email me back about how I get the money back.